In this web event series - you will understand why collective leadership is so crucial to organizations that are in the midst of change and innovation, and you will also get introduced to PresenceAtWork's Collective Leadership program principals. This will help you assess whether to join the US launch of Collective Leadership, beginning in April 2014 near Buffalo, NY.
We are in a world of accelerating change, and our organizations require a new leadership capacity to remain relevant
You know and I know that every industry is reinventing itself (or needs to!) in order to compete on a global stage, with economic, political and environmental uncertainty. Organizations are under pressure to do more with less. To grow, become more sustainable, more resilient, often while relying on aging infrastructure, an aging workforce, and increasing costs for labor, healthcare, raw materials and energy.
Human beings are both the biggest barrier and the biggest enabler of change
Who else is going to address these challenges? While so much focus is given to emerging technology, cleantech, cloud solutions, internet of everything, smart everything, the bottom line is that you and I make change happen - within and across organizational boundaries. And we meet resistance daily, as well as limitations in well-intentioned people who have simply don't know how to step up and step into leadership. And we can do something about that.
Collective Leadership is about leveraging the collective and diverse strengths of the teams we are part of in order to accomplish our missions
It sounds simple, but the reality is that more often than not we are caught in our grandfather's leadership paradigm. Companies are organized as a hierarchical system and we are teaching leadership principles to individuals, but not teaching leaders how to work collectively. In fact, in my 28 years of corporate experience, I have witnessed how sometimes "innovators" and "collaborative leaders" are unintentionally pushed aside, perhaps because they are "hard to manage" or don't fit the mold of a traditional leader. However, what got us here won't get us there.... as they say.
Collective Leadership can be learned and practiced
Like emotional intelligence and social intelligence, we can also develop relationship systems intelligence. And we can learn to connect to the broader systems around us to sense and lead based on what we see coming, not just based on where we've been.
About Us:
PresenceAtWork is a collective leadership development consultancy dedicated to supporting corporate leaders to create environments that foster human creativity and fulfilment, and which tap into the collective wisdom that is needed to solve today's business challenges. We create learning and development that inspires leadership teams to collaborate and innovate together more effectively, managing through change, growing in resilience and building an engaged and high performing workplace.
In our leadership approach we focus on Authenticity, Presence, Leading from the Collective and Leading from the Emerging Future. We build new, differentiated competencies that are essential for sustainability in today's highly dynamic business environment.
I3 Activate, LLC is an independent company acting as an agent of PresenceAtWork in the US. We are a consulting, coaching and training company that works with pioneering companies and organizations that are committed to innovation & leading the way toward a safe, just and sustainable way of life for our grandchildren. We see human systems (people, teams, organizations) as both the greatest enabler and the greatest barrier to innovation that matters. We use progressive methodologies and business practices to build organizational vision, strategy and capacity. Our mission is to co-create "repeatable miracles" with our customers in their markets and eco-systems.